Project: Aspen for Arts–Yes on 2A
Role: Communications Director

With just two months before the election, Aspen City Council authorized ballot measure 2A to lift the cap on funding for arts and culture from the Wheeler Opera House’s real estate transfer tax. To pass, the ballot initiative would require 60% approval by the voters. The polls were indicating a close call and the off-year election forecast a low voter turnout. The stakes were high, the shot was long, and the timeframe was short, but Aspen’s arts and culture leaders were ready to rally.
With no time to lose, I assembled a dynamo team and created a campaign identity, logo, website and letterhead within two weeks. Building on this foundation was a 12-point campaign strategy that placed strategic alliances, influencer endorsements and community engagement at its heart. To mobilize quickly, we assembled plug-and-play content packages allowing the lead organizations to amplify their voices with a uniform message across all platforms.
The underdog campaign achieved the support of 71% of voters, passing with a wide margin and ensuring expanded support for arts and culture, without raising taxes or touching the Wheeler’s $40M cash reserves. The Aspen Times called it “a victory for arts organizations and venues, as well as artists, musicians and performers throughout the upper valley.”

- Creative Strategy
- Project Management
- Ideation
- Content Development
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